Capturing a Moment

Capturing a Moment

A Wedding Worth a Thousand Words


A wedding is an experience of a lifetime. Some of the moments captured at a wedding, are those only a picture can capture. A photo freezes the moment of time.

I recently had the opportunity to go and shoot a few photos with a friend, Damian, who is a photographer. I tagged along to observe, watch and listen to pointers given by Damian. He does freelance works and works with Take One Event Rentals, an event rental company in Arizona. Whenever Take One puts on a wedding they offer a photographer with it…kinda cool right?

A wedding is an event to be remembered. It is a time when to people choose to vow their love and respect to one another, for a lifetime. It captures all of the important moments that are experienced by the Bride, the Groom, and those attending the special experience. Those moments can be remembered and reflected on for years to come.

Moments Captured

Pre-Vows. Both the bride and groom preparing for the big “I do”. The moments before the official tie of hearts. A good photographer captures all the feelings that are buzzing in the given rooms. The nervousness, the excitement, the stress, the happiness.

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“The Moment”. The official vows shared between bride and groom. The oath of their marriage about to commence. The exchange of vows happen quickly, yet are the true verbal binding of a marriage. Whether each knows their vows by heart, there is one moment in which they are exchanged that has the most impact.

Sealing the Deal. The awaited “you may kiss the bride”. The Kiss is the official seal the deal and a must to be captured and viewed again and again.

The Party. The lights, the food, the family and friends. The reception is the celebration of the love and vows to people made together. It is the beginning of a life as husband and wife. A time that dear friends and family come together and celebrate together. It must be captured to fully recreate the memory.

The Cake. This might be one of my favorite moments to capture on film. There is a silliness to be caught. The nerves of both bride and groom are over (hopefully), the vows have been made, and now the cake. I love to see different style of wedding cakes (I am a foodie at heart too!) and capture not only the bride and groom, but the people watching. Capturing their experience and facial expressions is part of it.

All of the in between moments must be caught too! A wedding is a thought out event with a lot of energy and effort put into it to make it beautiful and memorable. I highly recommend both Video Film and Photography. Photos capture an exact moment when taken right. Video replays the experience. Capturing love and the binding of two souls is absolutely beautiful and a happy, warm feeling. No wonder why so many photographers specifically are wedding photographers.


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